Academic Policy and Student Affairs Committee

The Academic Policy and Student Affairs Committee shall be responsible for oversight of all policies relating to the academic and student affairs, including athletics and health affairs and clinical activities, of the University. It shall assist the Board in its oversight responsibilities relating to aspects of student life and student conduct. It shall review the infrastructure and resources necessary to deliver the academic and student life programs and for the accreditation of the University and professional programs. It shall be responsible for reviewing and considering policies relating to new and existing degree programs, instruction and research. It shall review and consider policies relating to the recruitment and retention of faculty members, including tenure, academic freedom and academic responsibility, codes of conduct and appropriate penalties for violations of University regulations pertaining to academic dishonesty, and student admissions, and make recommendations to the Board on these and other matters referred to it by the Board.

Committee Membership

  • Francis A. Hondal, Chair
  • Albert Taño, Vice Chair
  • Noël C. Barengo
  • Francesca Casanova
  • Dean C. Colson
  • Natasha Lowell
  • Roger Tovar, Athletics liaison

University Staff Liaison: Elizabeth M. Bejar, Provost, Executive Vice President, and Chief Operating Officer

Audit and Compliance Committee

The Audit and Compliance Committee is responsible, in assisting the Florida International University Board of Trustees (“Board”) in discharging its oversight responsibilities, including but not limited to, reviewing procedures in place to assess and minimize significant risks, overseeing the quality and integrity of financial reporting practices (including the underlying system of internal controls, policies and procedures, regulatory compliance programs, and ethical code of conduct), and overseeing the overall audit process. This includes advising the Board on the adequacy of accounting procedures, systems, controls, and financial reporting in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; and overseeing and monitoring the University’s compliance program.

Committee Membership

  • Alan Gonzalez, Chair
  • Yaffa Popack, Vice Chair
  • Noël C. Barengo
  • Carlos A. Duart
  • Francis A. Hondal
  • Chanel T. Rowe
  • Roger Tovar

University Staff Liaison: Javier I. Marques, Vice President, Operations & Safety; Chief of Staff

Audit and Compliance Committee Charter

External Relations Committee

The External Relations Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending to the Board policies relating to local, state and federal legislation; working to identify all major local, state and federal activities affecting the University; reporting to the Board recommended actions which will further the University’s mission; reviewing and recommending to the Board policies affecting communications with the media and with the public, including alumni of the institution; and reviewing and considering programs that advance the University’s reputation and further the University’s teaching, research, and service missions in the local, state, national, and international communities.

Committee Membership

  • Yaffa Popack, Chair
  • Chanel T. Rowe, Vice Chair
  • Francesca Casanova
  • Natasha Lowell
  • Gene Prescott
  • Alberto Taño

University Staff Liaison: Michelle Palacio, Senior Vice President for Strategic Communications, Government and External Affairs
President’s Council Liaison: Sergio Abreu
Alumni Association Board of Directors Liaison: Juan Carlos Alexander

Finance and Facilities Committee

The Finance and Facilities Committee is responsible, for providing review, policy guidance and strategic oversight of the university’s financial matters, financial reporting statements, campus master planning activities and other real estate type activities for both the University and its direct support organizations (“DSO”).  This includes receiving and reviewing information regarding the fiscal operations of the University and reviewing and, when appropriate, recommending to the Board for its approval:  the University’s annual operating and capital outlay budgets; the University’s investment policy; the University’s Capital Improvement Program list for funding by the Legislature, including the Public Education Capital Outlay  list;  debt issuances;  the University’s master plan(s);  honorary and donative namings of University facilities; and regulations and Board policies pertaining to the financial resources and other assets of the University.

Committee Membership

  • Marc D. Sarnoff, Chair
  • Dean C. Colson, Vice Chair 
  • Alan Gonzalez
  • Francis A. Hondal
  • Natasha Lowell
  • Alberto Taño
  • Roger Tovar

University Staff Liaison: Aime Martinez, Chief Financial Officer; Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
Foundation Board of Directors Liaison: Marcel L. Navarro '93

Finance and Facilities Committee Charter

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the Board on various Board functions, including, periodically reviewing these Bylaws; evaluating the Board’s performance; overseeing governance of the University’s affiliated organizations; overseeing Presidential personnel matters, including the annual evaluation of the President; considering collective bargaining matters coming before the Board; and establishing regulations and Board policies regarding University governance. Furthermore, the Governance Committee shall have and may exercise all powers and authority of the Board on an as needed basis between regular Board meetings for time-sensitive matters, subject only to such restrictions or limitations as the Trustees may from time to time specify, except that the following matters shall be reserved to the full Board for approval (i) Board officer selection, (ii) changes in the mission and purposes of the institution, (iii) presidential selection and termination, (iv) amendments to the Bylaws, (v) debt issuances, (vi) sale or other disposition of real property, (vii) the University’s annual operating and capital outlay budgets and the University’s Capital Improvement Program list for funding by the Legislature, including the Public Education Capital Outlay list, and (viii) any other matter required by law or Board of Governors’ regulation to be approved by the full Board. All actions taken by the Governance Committee pursuant to this authority shall be reported at the next meeting of the full Board, or when deemed sufficiently important by the Board Chair and the University President, such actions shall be reported to the Trustees within thirty (30) days after such action is taken, or at a meeting of the Trustees if a meeting is held within that period of time. The Governance Committee is comprised of the Board Chair, Board Vice Chair and all Committee Chairs.

Committee Membership

  • Roger Tovar, Board Chair
  • Carlos A. Duart, Board Vice Chair
  • Alan Gonzalez
  • Francis A. Hondal
  • Yaffa Popack
  • Marc D. Sarnoff

Strategic Planning Committee

The Strategic Planning Committee is responsible for providing strategic direction to the University. It shall provide oversight responsibilities for the development of the University’s strategic plan and the subsequent monitoring of progress toward goals, including ensuring alignment of strategic planning across the University to include all of its affiliated entities.   The Committee duties include approving and supporting the implementation of the University’s strategic plan and reviewing and, when applicable, approving, performance targets, performance metrics, and associated reports to the Board of Governors.

Committee Membership

  • Carlos A. Duart, Chair
  • Natasha Lowell, Vice Chair
  • Dean C. Colson
  • Yaffa Popack
  • Gene Prescott
  • Marc D. Sarnoff
  • Roger Tovar

University Liaison: Elizabeth M. Bejar, Provost, Executive Vice President, and Chief Operating Officer